Thanksgiving Praise

“Give thanks to the Lord; call on his name;
proclaim his deeds among the peoples.”
1 Chronicles 16:8

Today is Thanksgiving. It’s a fun way to kick off the fall season and get excited about the coloured trees, bonfires, cooler weather, and all things apple and pumpkin. But in the busyness of this holiday, we can tend to forget the One who made it all. Let’s take some time today to pause and give thanks back to the Lord for His marvellous work.

Oh Lord,

I have so much to praise and thank You for. Though life’s been hard this past while for many, Your faithful love has endured. You’ve guided me. You’ve protected me from so many things. You’ve provided for me in countless ways. You have been my “rock, and my fortress”[1].

Father, as I celebrate this holiday with friends and family, I want to intentionally take this time to give thanks to You.

“Your hands made me and formed me”[2] Thank You for putting so much detail into my being. You deliberately made me the way I am. I am equipped with Your gifts uniquely designed for me so that I can fulfill the calling You’ve desired for my faith. Thank You for my physical body. Thank You for all the organs, muscles, blood system, joints, skin, and hair that make up my body and keep me different from everyone else. You put an incredible amount of time thinking about my personality. I cannot fathom it all.

Thank You for the relationships that I am connected to. Thank You for the love that You give me to love others in return. Thank You that I can add value and blessings into their lives. I am thankful for each person, whether we are close or not, because I know that everyone connects us to You somehow; whether it’s in desperation for more of You or an outpouring of thanks for Your love evidenced by these people.

Thank You Father that “when I am weak, then I am strong”[3] by Your power and strength. Thank You that my life can be an example of You to the world. Thank You that I don’t have to fight my battles on my own. “You are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me.”[4]

You are the “author and perfector of our faith.”[5]  Thank You that I don’t have to figure things out all on my own. Your Spirit intercedes for me and directs my steps. He works within me to become more like You. I do not have to worry because “You work all things together for the good of those who love [You].”[6]

Lord, I trust in You. I know that You are always with me[7]. I do not have to be afraid. Thank You for the hope that I can have in You, Lord. Thank You for helping me “discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”[8]

I bless You Lord and I thank You for all Your ways. May You be glorified and lifted up today. Thank You for the gift of Your Son and the privilege I have to be a part of Your family.

In Jesus’ loving name I give these thanks,


[1] Psalm 31:3

[2] Psalm 119:73

[3] 2 Corinthians 12:10

[4] Psalm 23:4

[5] Hebrews 12:2

[6] Romans 8:28

[7] Matthew 28:20

[8] Romans 12:2

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