Prayer – For The Wife

Dear Lord,

Thank you for these women. Thank you for the relationship they can have with You; trying to pursue what is right and true. They are all beautiful Father. You’ve created masterpieces. They are endowed with empathy, compassion, kindness, and beauty.

Thank You for the tender, intuitive heart that you created in them. Thank You that they have that automatic sense to want to nurture and love others. You do great work.

Lord, as Mother’s Day approaches, I know many women will spend the weekend in sorrow. We will rejoice at the amazing mothers that you have blessed us with. Even if they had a rough childhood, their mother brought them life. You directed this beautiful woman’s heart from then on.

God, as women who are currently infertile, we look to you in this challenging time. We want to celebrate with all the moms in the world. We want to show our love and gratitude to our mothers and women who’ve acted like a mom to us.

Perhaps there are some women who are grieving the loss of their mom and the desire for children. Father, you know their tender hearts. You hold them securely, wrapped in the strongest arms in the universe.

Draw close to these women this weekend and this month please. The advertisements on TV and the posts on social media will be like a stab to the heart every time they see it. God, I pray for protection on these women’s hearts. I pray for strength to endure this season.

Help them to be able to rejoice at Your work and the blessing of the families around them. You and I know that is a tall task to ask. But Father, if they do choose to worship You in this broken time, meet them in their grief. Be very present when they break down. Whisper words of love, comfort, and truth to them.

Father, this is already a challenging season with lack of fellowship and support. Being tucked away in our homes can add to the loss one might feel in the quiet evenings. In one sense, we don’t have poopy diapers, sleepless nights, or boogers to deal with. However, there are no little snuggles or giggles either. You know how hard this is. You know these women’s desires.

Lord, we choose today, this week, and this month to trust You. We trust that You have the best plan laid out for our lives. We trust that You know and meet our deepest needs. We trust that You are a good, compassionate Father.

So, we praise You. We thank You for all that we have in our lives. We thank You for the hope we have in You. We praise You for the joy that is set before us. We thank You that we have the Holy Spirit residing within us, giving us love, power, and strength for each new day. You are awesome. We love You. We worship You and we give You the glory in any and every season. We lay these burdens down at Your feet and step into Your light and easy yoke (Matthew 11:29).

In Jesus’ loving name we pray,


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