One Blessed Birthday

I am learning that regardless of the times or seasons, we can choose to be creative and enjoy the moments. I think getting out of debt has helped with this. We’ve chosen to sacrifice some money on fun things so that we can reach our goal. Because of this, it’s caused us to “think outside the box” and do things we enjoy in a different way.

Even though my birthday was during lockdown, I wasn’t worried. I knew that we’d still be able to make the day fun. Michael went above and beyond to make it special for me. I didn’t even think about COVID. It ended up being one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had.

I had been praying that the Lord would help me know what to do for the next set of themed Comfort Boxes. I was excitably working on another project I’m developing, but struggled to think beyond that for a while. As soon as the alarm went off the morning of my birthday and I rolled over in bed, the Lord filled my mind with ideas of what to do. Jesus gave me my first birthday presents. Joy and peace filled my heart!

Sneak Peak!

I’m not a morning person. Too many words and thoughts before I’ve been up for an hour or two usually makes me grumpy. Yet, I was ready to bounce out of bed and start the day. Michael was a wee bit surprised and loved hearing what the Lord shared with me.

As I spent some extended time with Jesus in His word, Michael prepared a delicious breakfast. Then we headed off to work.

I walked in and saw a tea sitting on my desk. Everyone wished me a happy birthday. It was a great day. The staff were in good moods and the clients were delightful as well. It was special because we all took a longer lunch that day. We closed the clinic for a bit and my manager bought my lunch. We all sat around and enjoyed some time together, being silly and sharing stories. I only worked a half day, so Michael picked me up when lunch was over.

Then it was play time! Michael wanted time to prepare some things for me, which meant I had time to work on the ideas the Lord had given me that morning. I had so much fun designing some more journals and Comfort Boxes for you! I worked away in my cozy little office until he was ready.

We played some Boggle and then I got to open my presents. Michael made me a calendar with some pictures of us, nature shots we’ve taken, and family. He also surprised me and built me a barn door for our bathroom upstairs. It was exactly what I wanted. He did an incredible job! I love it when he makes me things because it fills our home with memories and personal touches from him. Almost every room has something he’s created. He’s a very talented.

We went for a walk around our local park. It’s always a time we can connect and have great conversations together.

I have some food allergies and intolerances, which can make it difficult to know what to eat most times, especially when I need and/or want a snack. I headed to the fridge and took out a spoonful of almond butter. Michael came flying around the corner, took the spoon and jar from me and sat me on the couch. Then he brought over a birthday snack he always enjoyed. Chicken wrapped pickles (used with lunch meat). It’s a refreshing, salty, nice snack. He wanted to make sure I could fully enjoy my birthday with lots of little treats I could snack on during the day. He also made bacon wrapped portabella mushrooms. Those were yummy!

As dinnertime approached, he asked me to head upstairs and look on the bed. He had my long red dress draped on the edge of the bed. I got changed and came downstairs to see Michael in his suit, the house a bit dark, and candles lit on the kitchen table.

We had a feast! He made Greek salad and devilled eggs for appetizers. He cooked some butternut squash for me and mashed potatoes for himself. The best part was his dry-rubbed ribs. I think his ribs are better than any restaurant’s. They are mouth-watering, tenderly delicious, and full of flavour. I ate way too much and thoroughly enjoyed it all!

When we finished, he cleaned everything up and moved the candles into the living room. He turned on some instrumental music and we danced together. Something we haven’t done in a long time. I must confess that I’m not exactly the most graceful person. The music was slightly quicker than a slow dance, so I instantly thought of a waltz and tango in my mind at once. I quickly side-stepped and went for a turn, throwing my arm up and elbowing Michael right on the cheek! Thankfully he was okay. We laughed and decided a slower song was a better choice, for safety’s sake.

A couple friends quickly came by to bring me some presents. They were so thoughtful. I loved all that they gave me, but the present that excited me most was a box of decaf chai tea. It sounds silly, but I had a hard time a couple years ago to find any. My Mom found some at an independent grocery story near her cottage. We didn’t go this year. I realized the other day that I only had one tea bag left. I felt disappointment as that tea is like a treat for me. Then, I opened my friends’ gifts, and there was another box. I felt the Lord reminding me that He hears my requests, needs, and wants, and cares enough to bless me, even with little things to remind me that He loves me and is always listening.

I was really nice to hear from so many of you on my birthday as well. All the calls, texts, and messages were very thoughtful. It can be easy to get into my own little world when we aren’t allowed to get out and connect with one another. I get lost in writing, working, and home life, that I can tend to forget the heart-level connection I have with so many beautiful people. It’s not that I forget about them, I just forget the depth of relationship we share at times. I guess I’m a very in-the-moment type person. But as soon as I get a message or phone call, my heart fills with love, joy, and gratitude for the honour I have to be someone’s friend.

Anyways, it was a truly beautiful, thoughtful, love-filled day. I just had to share with you all. It’s good to be reminded that we can still enjoy the simple moments of life, regardless of our social and financial situations.

Be creative and make the most of your day. Don’t forget to reach out and connect with others. There are lots of ways to do it, even in the winter. Having our families go through some hard medical stuff recently, it’s reminded me how precious life and time is. Don’t use the excuse of lockdown to avoid relationships. Find ways to stay connected and growing together. Most of all, to those who are married, remember the love you had for each other at the beginning. Find ways to keep dating and growing in your marriage. It’s worth every effort.

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