Mother’s Day Musings

Mothers Day: A beautiful, complicated, celebratory day. 


I am blessed with three amazing moms. I am especially blessed with the fact that they all love Jesus. They are filled with compassion and wisdom. They are always willing to help Michael and I navigate life in a God-honouring way. They are gifted with many talents and abilities. They have strength in discernmeny, intuition, and generosity. They are all great gardeners, bakers, and friends. 

My first mom held me since conception. She helped to build a strong understanding and foundation of the faith I have in Jesus today. She was with me when I gave my little life to Jesus.  She’s bathed me in prayer through every battle I’ve faced. She’s sat in the trenches in my lows and shouted out in praise on my mountain tops. She picks up the phone or shows up at my door when the Lord gives her sense that I am struggling. My momma loves fiercely and will go to all ends to lavish me in that love. She is my prayer warrior and confidant. She is selfless and inspiring. 

I adopted my second mom after my dad re-married. She has been a wonderful addition over the years. She has a very generous heart. There were times when I was down and out. She stepped in and provided, leaving me speechless and grateful. She is kind and loving. She always enjoys new adventures and exploring what life has to offer with us. I love her excitable missional heart. She has become one of my biggest cheerleaders. 

My third mom (or “mom-in-love”) began when I married Michael. She has been selfless and generous when there’s a need. She is quiet, yet always listening to the deeper heart of what I say. Because of this, she offers sound wisdom and guidance when I need it. She always seeks to encourage and challenge me in my faith. 

My moms are a blessing and joy in my life. They all have different attributes about them that I love and embrace. I see the Holy Spirit working in each of them. I admire them for their unique and individual relationships with the Lord. 


I know this day is often very complicated for many women. You may not have had a great relationship with your mom. You may have not even known your mom. Life is certainly messy and complicated. As we head into the weekend, ask the Lord if there’s been women in your life that you consider a spiritual mother. 

God brought another woman in my life that I considered my spiritual mother. She was full of joy and spiritual wisdom. She walked alongside me through a dark and trying season. She listened. She made me laugh. I felt safe with her. I was allowed to be real. She helped to support and guide me. God knew that I needed that woman in my life at that time to continue to help me grow closer to Him. Is there a woman or women in your life that you can honour this Mother’s Day? Maybe you haven’t spoken to her in years, or, maybe she has passed away. Give thanks to the Lord for that woman and the influence she was to you. 

Perhaps your scenario is that you are infertile and Mother’s Day is a stab to your heart. You can celebrate your mother, but deep down you’re sorrowful for yourself. As hard as it is, honour your mother. Take all the love and creativity you can muster and bless her. Do something for her that you wish you had kids to do for you. Remind yourself of all that you appreciate about her and tell her. 

Then, when evening comes, allow yourself to have one of those full-out ugly cries. Let it all out. Grieve the loss that you’re feeling. Give it over to the Lord. Tell Him your hurt and pain. Praise Him for what you have, for the mom you’re blessed with.  Then go to sleep in the comfort that the Lord knows your desires and is working everything out for your good. 

I grieve for those who have lost a child. The painful reminder of Mother’s Day is a sting on the heart for you as well. Memories of your sweet baby girl or boy flooding your mind. You are still a precious and valued mom, and always will be. No one understood or loved that child the way you did. 

I ask you too to celebrate your mom. Love her and share the ways your grateful for her. Connect with her. Then, allow yourself to have some time later in the day. Reflect on the beautiful moments you’ve shared with your child(ren). Do something special on Mother’s Day to make another beautiful memory. To make this day count with joy for you. 


There are many scenarios a woman can fall under on this day. One thing I know, God loves a good celebration! Whether you’re recognizing your mom, mother-in-law, or spiritual mom, actually celebrate. Find ways to be creative and show your appreciation of her. Honour her. Love her. Encourage her. God has given her this massive responsibility and role to fill. It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. She deserves it.

Thank you to all my moms. You are all amazing and such a gift to me. I appreciate your encouragement, wisdom, and love. You bring great value and enjoyment to my life. I consider myself a very blessed woman. I celebrate you!

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