Job #2 – Can I do it?

Okay, it’s time to get back on track. Businesses are starting to open up again. Now’s your time to act. Let’s get back to crushing your debt!

If you’re having a slow go at making a dent towards your debt, perhaps it’s time to consider getting a second job. Now I know that can sound overwhelming. You’ve got other responsibilities you need to attend to. But, what’s a better time than now? You don’t have any social outings or sports filling up your calendar. So, this is a great opportunity to bring in some extra cash. 

Don’t think of this as a long-term thing. This is only for a season. Depending on how much debt you have, it could be a six-month to two-year commitment. I can guarantee you though that if you’re willing to put in the time, you will reap the rewards. Plus, the extra work can be a nice change from your day job. 

Or, if you aren’t working, now’s the time to get two jobs before everyone else comes off Employment Insurance. A lot of people will be looking for work at the same time. Companies aren’t necessarily going to be able to bring everyone back due to cost and demand. So, get out there now while you can. 

I worked my butt off when I was trying to pay off my student loan while saving to go back to school. I worked full-time at a Tim Horton’s and part-time at a Kelsey’s restaurant. I worked 6:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at Tim’s. I’d go home, change, grab some dinner, and then go to Kelsey’s from 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. or 10:00 p.m. some nights. I wouldn’t recommend doing two similar jobs like that. It wreaked havoc on my body that summer. But I did make a lot of money!

I realize most restaurants aren’t open right now and the ones that are have scaled back on their staff. But there are still plenty of jobs out there if you look. It makes me smile every time I see someone working for Skip the Dishes. They are making an effort to bring in some money and I am proud of them for it. 

Greenhouses are opening up and looking for work. What about getting a paper route or try delivering groceries? Pizza joints are still quite busy. You could work either make pizzas or deliver them.  

I was “the shredder” at our store for almost a year. I worked part-time at our school and part-time as the shredder. It was great to have the extra income and our efforts of paying off the mortgage really started showing it as well. 

This is a great time to be innovative too. Does your grocery store have a crazy long wait time for ordering groceries online? Perhaps you could start a side-gig picking up and delivering groceries to people. Or apply to the grocery store itself. Mow some lawns. Apply to a landscaping company. The list is endless. 

Here’s the key: Keep paying your regular expenses with your first income. Take everything, minus tithing, from your second income and put that amount on your debt. That’s right. Don’t use any of that extra for fun. If you can stay committed to putting your entire second pay on the debt, you’ll eliminate it way faster! 

You can achieve your goals if you want to. Don’t let the pandemic hold you back. Get creative and remind yourself that this isn’t long-term. It’s just a means to your end. The end of debt and the beginning of freedom. I’m here cheering you on!

Do any of you have a second job right now? What are you doing? If you need some suggestions to get you started, and you’re living in Canada, check some of the links below. If you live in another country, check your local listings. I’m surprised at how many jobs are actually listed out there.!/content/employment/

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