Browsing Category: Concussions


Could Stress Be Causing Your Symptoms?

There have been times when I’ve wondered whether it is my symptoms flaring, I’m getting sick, or something else is going on? Most of the time I chalk it up to my concussion and ride the wave. But what if it isn’t always your concussion that’s bugging you?

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My Papa always yelled to us grandkids, “don’t run down the stairs or you’re going to fall and break your neck”.

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No More Excuses

I was too tired. I was too emotional. I would never be able to manage “normal” life again. My concussion ran my life.
Then I hit the moment when I felt “sick and tired of being sick and tired”. I gathered up the gumption to continue looking for solutions to recover from this injury

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Water, I need Water

It was a wonderful evening. Michael and I enjoyed a delicious rib dinner at the restaurant. We went for a swim when we returned to the hotel. It was a quiet night. We were the only ones in the pool. We swam laps and enjoyed the warm water soothing our bodies after a long drive. It was perfect.

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The “Heart” of Cardio

You’re starting to get into exercising again. You decide to try cycling to add some variety into your cardio. You notice when you begin to increase your speed that your symptoms spike. You’ve hit a wall and can’t seem to get over it. What do you do?

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