A Surprise Getaway

I mentioned last month about this new thing Michael and I are trying this year where we surprise each other with a date or getaway of some sort. It’s been quite enjoyable anticipating what each other might do each month and has helped spark some fun back into things.

Last month was Michael’s turn to plan. The only thing I knew before we left is that we were leaving on Thursday, June 30, and that Michael’s mom was watching our dog, Mac, for the first night. I put a variety of clothes on the bed and then let Michael pack what he thought I would need from that based on the events he had planned.

You know, it actually made me more relaxed leading up to it. I was excited and it was great that I didn’t have to concern myself with any planning or responsibilities. I could let my husband whisk me away to some unknown place and just have fun!

He gave me one hint about a month before we left – It was something on my bucket list from a few years ago. He wasn’t sure if I was still interested in doing it, but thought we’d try. I knew based on a couple of things that it had to be something within driving distance. There were two things that came to mind by that radius of options – a concert or the Highland Games. My guess was the games. I mentioned it to him, but thankfully Michael isn’t one to crack, so he didn’t confirm if it was or not.

We didn’t leave until 4pm on the Thursday, so my guess of the Highland Games grew more confident since they’re only about an hour away. We headed to Woodstock, Ontario that night and Michael confirmed on the drive that we’d be attending the Highland games the next day.

It was so much fun! For those who don’t know what it is, it’s a Scottish event. They have Highland dancers participating in a competition of their famous dances. They have bagpipe, drummer, and fiddle bands. There were sheep herding and dog agility competitions with a showcase of the specific Scottish breeds. Interesting fact: Did you know that the Golden Retriever is Scottish decent?

Though I do love watching Highland dances, the “bucket list” portion I’ve always wanted to see was the Heavy Man Competition. There were men’s and women’s divisions. Think shot put and hammer throw in the Olympics, mixed with lifting, running, and then tossing a massive telephone type pole. They even had to throw a chained weight over a 14-foot bar, one handed. These people are incredibly strong. Oh, and they have to do it all while wearing a kilt. The whole day was fascinating.

That’s the only part of the whole trip I had figured out. I was excited to find out that the hotel we stayed at had an indoor pool. We spent a fair amount of time swimming when we could. Being in a pool is my happy place. I love swimming! I pretty much grew up in the water. So secretly, I think that was my best part of the whole trip!

We had a wonderful day the next day as well. Michael took me Stratford which is one of our favourite spots in Ontario. We had a picnic lunch by the river and ice cream for dessert. We rented a canoe and paddled down the river afterwards. The swans, geese, and mallard ducks were all out greeting us along the way. It was a beautifully sunny day with a cool breeze. We meandered through some of the local shops and ended our time there with a delicious meal at Mercer’s.

It’s so good to get away sometimes. It offers a fresh space to have fun and also relax. We usually end up in conversations of dreaming and planning our future, thinking of what adventures we’d like to go on next.

We took some days to rest, read, and play games. We planned other days to go mini-golfing, out for breakfast, and on a hike. It was a decent blend of both adventure and rest. I loved every minute of it.

I learned a lot about Michael as well. You should never stop learning about your spouse. They’re always developing, gaining new interests, and thoughts. It was a special time together.

It’s my month now. It’s going to be a busy one work wise, but I think I might have a couple ideas brewing…

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