It all started back when I was a teenager. While walking through a really hard time in life, the LORD gave me a passage of Scripture that has stuck with me ever since:
“Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
It was something that resonated with me. My pain had a purpose. Part of it was to help me understand God’s comfort so that I could give comfort to others in their time of need. Being really sick at the time, I knew that I wanted to help other people as well.
The passion grew inside of me. At first, I thought it would play out in youth or women’s ministry within the church. I spent years praying and seeking how I could use my gifts for God. The funny thing was that the Lord was using it in me all along. I participated in various ministries. But the biggest thing that came out of each one of them were the relationships. I was able to empathize and understand a lot of people’s sufferings. I also tried to give them hope. They weren’t stuck. God was doing something in them and it would all come together in His time. Another verse He gave me a while later that affirmed this thought was Ecclesiastes 3:11:

I didn’t necessarily understand it or see it in my own life at the time, but I knew it to be true in my spirit. Later, it all made sense and I could see the evidence confirmed in my own life as well.
Last summer (2019), I felt the Lord tell me to start the blog. It was a way for me to reach out to others and begin to offer that hope, encouragement, and comfort. To show people that they aren’t alone in their suffering, and that they aren’t lost in it either. There’s always a way out. There’s always something that the Lord wants to do in us and through us in these circumstances. There’s always hope for the future in Him.
But I knew that was just the beginning. There was more to come. I needed to be faithful with what He had given me to start, and the pieces would come together in His time. And they have.
I was sharing with Michael ideas of things I wanted to create to offer people comfort and encouragement. I wanted them to be simple, practical, and special. Something that personally spoke to people’s hearts. As we talked about the ideas one night, Comfort Boxes took shape. We were both filled with excitement and felt the Lord bring all the ideas to light.
In the survey that I sent out in August, I asked all of you what people were struggling with, how connected you feel to community, and how much you’d be willing to spend to bless someone. I also asked what kind of things you’d buy for others. I took that information, along with the idea God gave us, and did my best to pray over and create what you now know as Comfort Boxes.

I created something that would bless others in a unique way. Something that would make them smile on a dreary day. I wanted to provide items that would last and be treasured. It blesses me to be able to pray over and build these special boxes for each person. Every box is created from scratch. Every journal, card, and mug designed by me with those who are hurting in mind. Every verse pack created so that people can take it along with them and read the verses at any moment of the day when they need that little extra something to carry them through. All the candy names thought up to give someone a giggle/chuckle and a bit of an eye roll. Every card created to reach deep into the person’s heart.
The exciting thing is that this is only the beginning. I have many plans that I continue to pray about and create. There are ideas that the Lord has given me to continue to comfort, encourage, and challenge those in need. To offer hope in their hard times.
It’s an honour and joy to serve all of you. It warms my heart every time I think of you, especially those that have reached out and I’ve been able to connect with. I pray for you and I’m grateful for you all. May the things I create touch your hearts and lives in a special way. May you know that someone cares about you, loves you by the goodness of Jesus, and is journeying with you through all the hard times of life.