You are not broken! You were created with purpose; a well thought out perfect design! God did not mess up. He did not ‘miss something’. He did not make you on a whim. He knows every single detail about you and is well pleased with it.

“For it was You who created my inward parts;
You knit me together in my
mother’s womb.
I will praise You because I
have been remarkably and wonderfully made.
Your works are wonderful,
and I know this very well.
My bones were not hidden from
when I was made in secret,
when I was formed in the depths
of the earth.
Your eyes saw me when I was
all my days were written in
Your book and planned
before a single one of them
began.” – Psalm 139: 13-18
Unfortunately, we live in a broken world. Sin still runs rampant which allows brokenness in our lives. God is the Victor. He has won the end battle, but we’re still fighting to get there. We’re still living on this earth, so the fight isn’t over.
The enemy is going to tell you that you’re worthless. He’s going to fill your head with lies that you don’t deserve kids. He’s going to throw jealousy and envy in the mix, pointing out all of the people around you who have families when you don’t. He’s going to try and break you and keep you in the broken grief, chained to the title of ‘barren’ or ‘infertile’. It is so easy to pick up that badge! It is easy to fall under the crushing weight of the loss you are feeling. He wants to keep you there. He wants to make you so crippled that the joy of life is gone. He is a professional at this.
So today, I fight back for you! I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, that He will equip you with what you need to fight the enemy!

Thank you so much for this couple. Thank you for the amazing details that you have invested into their creation. Their lives are precious to You. Even though they cannot make new life right now, You hear their hearts. You see their grief and you weep with them. You understand their hurt and pain and you meet them in that.
Father, I ask that you would encourage them today. Help them to reach deep down within themselves and find it in their hearts to praise You in the midst of their grief, doubts, and questions. Help them to battle the lies and deceptions of the enemy and to fight back by giving You everything; the pain, the grief, the praise, and thanksgiving. For You tell us, “do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7.
So Lord, I ask that You would guard this couple in You as they come before You. You are mighty to save!
Father, I thank You that You have won the fight! You are the King of Kings! You are SO much bigger than this enemy that we fight today! We ask that Your power be made known today. We ask that You would bring joy and peace to this couple; that You would heal any brokenness that has come between this husband and wife because of the grief and pain. Mend their hearts and unite them once again to seek You and to love You and each other.
Thank You for all that You are doing in the seen and the unseen. I don’t know if this couple will eventually have children of their own, adopted children, or if you have a different plan, but I ask that You would guide their steps and give them peace in whichever path You desire for them.
You are such a Good God!
In Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray,