The Influence of a Little Life

“Lord, it’s not fair. Why could she have a baby and not me?” Though many would be embarrassed to confess it, I’m guessing that a fair amount of those who’ve dealt with infertility have cried this question to God. Why does He allow some who might not have the resources to care for a child to keep the baby and others who could easily and healthfully care for one, not have one? Though by human standards it doesn’t always make sense, there’s something spiritually at work that goes beyond the human eye. It’s something I needed to come to terms with myself.

To be honest, I have been guilty of asking this question a number of times in the deepest pain of my infertility sorrow, when my womb ached for life within it. “Why, God? Would I not be a good mother?”

Then the questions of raising children in this world came to mind. “Why would I even want to raise children in such a hard and confusing world? What if they grow up and never become followers of Jesus? What if they get lost in everything the world is tempting children these days? What if they are persecuted for their faith? What if…?” My heart grieved at those thoughts. And yet, as I’ve read through the Bible, I’m sure the “What if” questions plagued parents throughout every generation. The rebellious generations. The war-torn generations. The early persecuted generations. It didn’t stop Israel from having babies when Pharoah commanded that every male Hebrew baby be killed while in Egypt during a certain period. Why is that? Because God continued to open their wombs and provide. Because He had greater purposes at work for those people which led to the Saviour of the world being born.

The complexities of these two scenarios are difficult to understand and there’s much that can be said about both topics, but the importance I want to highlight today comes from Genesis 5:21-24.

“When Enoch had lived 65 years, he fathered Methuselah. Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Thus all the days of Enoch were 365 years. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”

The world during Enoch’s life was on a downward spiral of corruption and wickedness. Just five generations after a time where “people began to call on the name of the Yahweh,” (Genesis 4:26) creation was doing what they wanted with little regard for the Lord, and it was only going to get way worse. Why would Enoch bother to have children? Why would God bless him with children if the world was corrupt? Why not stop people from conceiving and end human race from lack of reproduction? All because of God’s love and grace for His creation, including little ones.

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.” Matthew 18:1-5

A child’s faith is precious in the Lord’s sight. A child’s life can bring great influence to his family and those around him, just like it did for Enoch. Genesis 5:22 highlights that, “Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters.” (Emphasis added) It wasn’t until after Enoch had a son that he started to closely follow the Lord. Something about this child’s life changed the heart of his father forever.

It might have been the fragility of a tiny human God created was now dependent on Enoch to provide for him and protect him. The possibility of his inexperience and knowledge as a father sent him on a quest to discover how to do it well. Perhaps it was the awareness of another generation being carried on from Enoch to Methuselah and the responsibility and opportunity to leave a powerful legacy.

Whatever the reason, Enoch turned to the Creator of heaven and earth to seek His counsel. It brought him into such a deep and lasting relationship with the Lord that it privileged Enoch to never experience physical death on this earth. He was removed from corruption and brought into God’s marvellous light; the light of His glory and presence for all of eternity.

Though it’s hard to understand God’s reasoning to provide some with children and others without, and while it can be a difficult decision to bring children into a volatile world, we can trust that God can and will use the miraculous life of a child to move the hearts of his parents to Himself. It can change the trajectory of someone’s life to God’s good and gracious Gospel which He provided by way of His precious One and Only Son, whom He willingly sacrificed so that you and I can experience the sweet fellowship Enoch did with our Living Savior.

To those whom He has chosen it best to not have children for whatever reason, I pray you understand the love and joy of a relationship with Jesus Christ, and that He blesses you with understanding of His goodness and love for you. Children are not the only means by which He draws people to Himself, though it is a very special gift when He does. But God can do it by His very self. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you; His love and His truth to you. Ask Him to draw near to you and comfort you in your sorrow. Ask Him to protect your heart and allow you to love others and their children, regardless of their situation. You will experience the love of Christ both in your own heart and for those little ones, too.

To those whom God has blessed with children, look to Christ in all things. He will guide you in the way you need to go. He will give you counsel and wisdom in how to raise your children. If you’re in a difficult situation or area of the world, look to the family of God for support, prayer, and help in raising your children. Don’t hold your children too close that others cannot learn from or speak into their lives. You never know how God will use your child(ren) to lead people to Himself.

Dear Father,

Your thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are Your ways our ways. They are vastly greater. They are deeply complex and interconnected to everything in the heavens and earth. Your plans which prosper in everything You send them to do bring life, hope, love, and truth to this world. Thank You that we can look to You when things don’t make sense to us, and that You promise that we will find peace when we do.

Thank You for the miracle of each life. Thank You for continuing to provide children to many and multiply this world, so that more people can hear of Your Good News. Continue to send Your family to the farthest reaches of the world so that all may come to hear and receive what Your One and Only Son did for them and become followers of Jesus.

Father, may we honour You with our lives, and when we come to the end of it whether by death or Your return, may it be said that we “walked with God.” Help us to come alongside parents and encourage them in raising their children. Help us to share Your hope with them in ways they can understand. Open eyes, ears, and hearts to confess and believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.

In Your Holy Name,


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