Browsing Category: working through grief

Why I Created Our New Verse Packs
… “Lord, I am so done with all of this. I need You! I know I need to be in Your word. I’m sorry for trying to be in control and run everything by my own wisdom… Show me the way. I’m tired of this life without You being in the center of it all. Please help me to be disciplined in time with You and in the Bible every day. I need Your sustenance. I love You. I’ll do whatever it takes. I just need more of You…”

Paradoxical Kingdom – Grief & Joy
How can you be joyful in the face of grief and sorrow? It doesn’t make sense. The world definitely doesn’t offer or understand this, and even many Christians are perplexed by this thought. The world tells you to hate, reject, or identify with what has grieved you. The Lord instead says that it is a tool in His kingdom to produce endurance and maturity in you.
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Sustaining Hope Book