Browsing Category: Love

Paradoxical Kingdom: Discipline and Love
Discipline is never an easy subject to talk about. There are so many differing opinions on what is the proper way to do it. It doesn’t feel good to give it or receive it. The world is moving further away from discipline because they only see how it has been abused, rather than been used to correct, edify, and teach.

The Fruit Finale
One of the greatest things we can hear as believers in Jesus is that it’s not up to us to fix ourselves. We only need to be aware of our brokenness and sin, acknowledge it to the King of kings, and accept His redemptive forgiveness. Then, as His Holy Spirit takes up eternal residence within us, He begins to make room for more of Jesus in our lives. He shapes and molds us to be more like Him. Our job at this point is to surrender ourselves to His leading, to bask in the wonder of His word, and to worship Him all the days of our lives. The more we submit to this, the greater the impact He will have.

A Love Letter from God
I didn’t want to post this today. This is something I feel is personal to me, but I felt the Lord keep saying, “post that one”. So, here it is. I pray this speaks to someone’s heart and leads them closer to Jesus today.
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