Browsing Category: Is God good?

Is God Always Good?
On October 18, 2022, I was reading Psalm 119:65 to 68, and the beginning of verse 68 jumped off the page at me: “You are good and do only good…” Psalm 119:68 (NLT) My first reaction was “Yes, I agree you are good, God. Goodness is your nature and who you are.” The second phrase “and do only good” is what I questioned in my heart and mind. From my way of thinking, many of the things that happen to people are not good and I don’t see good necessarily coming from them. So how can the writer say God does only good?

Is God Good?
It’s good to ask questions because it should cause you to look to the Bible to find the answers. In searching for truth with an open heart, the Lord will guide you to the answers you’re looking for. The question today asks, is God good? Though I could do a whole study on this, here are some of the answers I have for you today:
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