Browsing Category: Financial Behaviour

The Three Essentials: Part Three – Spending
Everyone appreciates the satisfaction of buying something they want. You’ve worked hard for your money. You should be able to enjoy the rewards of it. It’s tough when you only see your money going to bills and debt. Can you actually get to the place where you can spend and not feel guilty? You bet you can!

The Three Essentials: Part Two- Giving
Are you having a rough or bored day and looking for something fun to do? Try unexpectedly blessing someone!

Changing Perspectives
I thoroughly enjoy Ikea. I get a rush in the store. I walk around imagining what my house could look like with that nightstand in my bedroom and that couch in my living room. Ooh, I could get lost in all sorts of ideas with their organizational and storage units! Yet, the rush leaves as I pull away from the building with my single purchase of a salad spinner sitting on my lap…

Pathway to Freedom
You’re running a race. You’re tired, thirsty, dripping with sweat, but you’re almost there. If you push yourself a little further, you’ll have the sweet victory you’ve been craving. Suddenly, you get a leg cramp. Do you push through to the end or give it all up and nurse the cramp?

The Sting of Debt
Debt is like deception. You think you own your finances; you think you’re keeping on top of things, but the next thing you know it owns you.
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