Browsing Category: Comfort

Paradoxical Kingdom – Suffering and Comfort
Many Christians have heard the reference of God’s kingdom being an “Upside Down Kingdom.” Things the Lord does can seem backwards or contradictory to how it should work in our minds. We can’t fathom how suffering is good for us or why God calls us to be humble when it hurts.

Renewing the Vision
When we ask, God answers. Michael took me somewhere last Monday night. I didn’t really feel up to it, but felt I should go. As we stood in the place, I was filled with tears of awe. The Lord opened my spiritual eyes to see where He was taking me with Hope Through Hard Times…

Yes and Amen
This is why living in community is so important. We all suffer, but we endure together. We ourselves are comforted, thus we can be a comfort to others. God gives us strength, and therefore, we can hold others up in His strength as well. We are weak in ourselves, but we have the Holy Spirit’s power residing in us to empower us to do beyond what we are able.

To: My Grieving Friends
There are so many people that are hurting right now. There are so many seeking prayer and needing support. God provides rest, comfort, and understanding for you today.
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