Episode 9 – One Miraculous Easter Story!

God cares about every single detail of your life. As the old saying goes, “When one door closes, another opens.” Kelvin and his wife, Lorie, were faced with the deep grief of a miscarriage and loss of another friend on April 16, 2005. As they were working through their sorrow, the Lord showed up with a miraculous and perfectly timed gift exactly one year later, on Easter, April 16, 2006. Tune in to find out what happened!Kelvin Thiessen is the Director of Admissions at Millar College of the Bible in Pambrun, SK. He is married to Lorie and they have four children, John Calvin, Janessa, David, and Caleb. He spent his childhood in Roseau River, Manitoba, the youngest child of John and Rose Thiessen. Kelvin enjoys reading, cheering for the Riders (be kind it’s been a rough year), and traveling to new places during his time off. During the summer…

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Episode 8 – Surprise Gifts Given During Tragedy

Brad and his sister Marcia were close as kids. As they grew older, God led each of them into Christian service. This meant they lived far from one another and led busy lives which made it difficult to stay connected. Despite this, every time they were together, they were able to pick up where they left off. In the midst of raising four adopted children and supporting her husband in pastoral ministry, Marcia was diagnosed with cancer. The following years were deeply painful and tragic as Marcia fought to live but ultimately lost the battle to cancer. In this episode, Marcia’s brother Brad shares about his family’s journey to Marcia’s funeral and how God’s provisions along the way provided not only evidence of His goodness in an hour of darkness, but hope as he continued to process a complicated grief afterwards. Are you on a journey with tragedy and grief that feels…

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Episode 7 – Special – Waiting on God

Are you stuck in an uncomfortable situation that you want out of, but God doesn’t seem to be giving you any direction? Are you looking for work without any results? Are you tired of being sick with no end in sight? Have you been grieving a loss of something and the emotions aren’t letting up?Waiting on God can be very challenging. However, it’s in the waiting that you learn so much about Him. This in turn become an anchor for you to hold onto until the Lord is ready to reveal your next steps.Listen in as Sammy and Rachel share what they’ve learned in their seasons of waiting.We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people’s lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at  in****************@gm***.com .Click the picture above to listen on Spotify. It’s also available on…

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Episode 6 – When Nothing Else Satisfied…

Jamie had fractured his ankle which led to a pulminary embolism that almost took his life. With a long recovery ahead of him, and plenty of time to sit and think, Jamie faced the reality of where his life was headed. What would he do?

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Episode 5 – Victory Over Darkness

How exciting! You’ve just had a baby! You should be thrilled right? Reality is, many women struggle with hormonal imbalances and exhaustion after a baby is born. When other situations life situations hit, it can be way more overwhelming than normal. What do you do when you should be enjoying this stage of life but it’s a challenge to get out of bed and face another day?The enemy tries to create a stronghold of shame around the idea of post-partum depression. He is a joy stealer. However, by the power of God’s word, His community, and the right support, you can overcome it and find peace and joy again. Bethany blesses us with her story of staying committed to Christ in spite of the weight that post-partum held on her. She shared with others in her time of need, was courageous in seeking help, and is now a light and gift…

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Episode 4 – Obeying God Even When it Means Great Sacrifice

There is a cost to following Jesus, but God is always faithful to provide. That’s something David witnessed growing up. Most recently, with the current health and political climate, David came to learn this lesson again.

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Episode 3 – Lord, Where Are You?

Julie’s life was turned upside down at the young age of 27. A month after she married her best friend, Julie got in a serious bicycle accident. She was admitted to the hospital for emergency open head surgery. After many tests, she received the diagnosis that she had suffered brain damage, and was sent to a rehabilitation program. She was told that her life would never be the same again. This left her facing an unknown future; her dreams and hopes shattered. Now, almost 24 years of living with this disability, hear how God has saved Julie’s life in so many ways, and how her life is full of joy and hope!We love to hear stories of how God has worked in people’s lives. Do you have a story that you feel will inspire others toward hope? Let us know at in****************@gm***.com .Click the picture above to listen or go to…

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Episode 2 – Questioning God’s Goodness in Family Tragedy

Sammy adored his sister.  They were like ‘two peas in a pod’. Growing up in Haiti had its challenges, which bonded them deeply as they learned to support one another in all they faced. An opportunity came for Marie to move to the United States, and Sammy received a scholarship to attend a Bible college in Canada. Though miles apart, they continued to grow their relationship through technology.Marie was enjoying life’s beautiful gifts of a year long marriage and tiny baby when she received devastating news. She had stage 4 cancer with a few short months to live. Sammy did whatever he could to help her and take in every moment he could before she passed. Marie left Sammy with a freeing message before she passed. Listen to today’s podcast to hear Marie’s words of truth.Are you or someone you know going through the grief of losing a loved one?…

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Episode 1 – How Do I Know What My Calling Is?

Rachel was in her young twenties when she flew to Haiti. She knew she had an interest in mission work, but was unsure where her future was headed. Her parents were recently divorced, she had left school, and was feeling lost. Until God showed up in one simple moment and gave her a profound vision for her future. She desired to see God’s plans accomplished, but felt lost in the pursuit of it when every attempt failed. It wasn’t until years later that she would discover the purpose in the waiting and where her true calling resided. Are you struggling to find your way with Jesus? Is there an idea He’s given you, but you’re not sure where to start? Perhaps you’ve had it for years but aren’t seeing any results. Let today’s episode inspire you on your pursuit of character or calling. Click the picture above to listen or…

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Inspire Hope Podcast Begins!

I’d like to introduce you to Samuel Bernard. He’s joining Hope Through Hard Times on this new venture of starting, Inspire Hope Podcast! Here’s a little background to Sammy and how this idea began.

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