Dear woman of Mine,
You are loved! Though once broken in your youth, you are beautiful to Me. I saw your wretched pain. I heard your cries for help and mercy. I saw you hunger and thirst for Love; desperate to feel wanted, to feel worthy. I saw you wandering in the wilderness of broken relationships, searching from man to man on your quest to feel beautiful and valued. I was there all along, but you weren’t ready.
I wanted you so badly! I wanted you to be captivated by My love and fulfilled in the person I made you to be. I desperately wanted you to taste the joy in surrender. My heart hurt so much to watch you struggle. I wanted to jump in and save the day so many times. I knew that your brokenness was much more deeply rooted than the men in your life. I knew that the pain of others decisions left you crippled; lost and searching for who you were in this world, and where you belonged. Oh, how you just wanted to belong.
I waited. I waited for your brokenness to bring you to the ending of yourself. I waited for you to fall on your knees and cry out to Me. Just like my beloved Judah did, you had to try and find control on your own. You had to search for all human possibilities to see you through. You had to search for that physical, tangible love to hold you tightly. I wept for you. I held you in your sleep on those nights you were struggling most. I was always there, but I needed you to be ready for My love. I needed you to be willing to leave all else aside and choose Me! I didn’t want to force you. I didn’t want to beg you to love Me.

Yet, what a privilege it was when you came to Me. I recorded that special day in My book. I was filled with immense joy when you called My name. It was in that moment that our beautiful love began to deepen; that I knew you wouldn’t turn back. I knew it because I saw the hope in your eyes. I saw you search for Me when you had nothing left. You were drained of yourself, and yet I rejoiced, because I could begin to fill you. I could bless you with hope, with peace, with joy, and most of all, with unadulterated, satisfying, pure love. I finally had the opportunity to break down the barriers, to open up your heart, and to begin to minister to the deepest parts of your soul.
Now look at us! We are alive together. We are in love and you are so beautiful and so treasured to Me. I adore this marriage I am in with you. I can give you the power, the strength, and the courage to be all that I desire you to be. You are a beacon of light to others because you have allowed Me to heal you. You have allowed Me to reach into the depths of your soul and create something new.
Everyone has a story. Everyone has been through great trials, no one is exempt. I want everyone for Myself. I want to protect them, love them, and give them all of the blessings this world could imagine. Yet, as I waited for you, I continue to wait for them too. I long for the day when My perfect plan is complete and I can ride down and call them home. I long for the day I can call you home.
I’m sorry that you have to live in this broken world for now. I grieve the sin and brokenness of the world I so desperately wanted to flourish. But, don’t lose hope! I am working everything together for good (Romans 8:28). I need you to trust Me and walk in faith that there is a perfect reason for all of this. One day, I will have the privilege of sharing that with you. I greatly look forward to the days I can walk in the meadows and lay by the streams of water with you, sharing My greater story and the depths of My love for you, but I know you’re not quite ready for that yet. I want everything to be perfect in the exact moments that it happens.
I ask of you this one thing while we wait for that final union of our marriage together. I ask that you continue to “love Me and love others” (Luke 10:27 paraphrased). Continue to hold My hand, to trust Me, and to walk beside Me each and every day of your earthly life. Wait for Me as I wait for you, and let My love satisfy you. I have amazing plans for you, (insert your name here). I have dreams planned for you that will excel your wildest imagination. Just stay with Me. Listen to My words, hear My voice, and stay close to Me. For “I am with you always, even until the end of the age … I am yours, and you are Mine.” (Matthew 28:20, Song of Solomon 6:3)

I love you eternally,
Your Husband
To whoever is reading this, I pray that your heart deeply connects with Jesus and the love He has for you. You are perfectly unique as He designed you to be. He wants your heart and your love. He wants to fight for you, to be your Knight in Shining Armour. But the choice is yours. Are you ready for Him to be your First Love, your Greatest Love?
Are you broken, scared, and unsure of how to choose Jesus? Please reach out to me. I have been broken. I have been left scared, hurting, and feeling lost. I want to pray for you and give you the opportunity to find that deeper love of Jesus. He’s waiting for you. Speak His name. Proclaim your love for Him, even if you emotionally have nothing to give. He will meet you where you’re at no matter the pain and scars you bear. Don’t be afraid. His grace, love, and forgiveness outweigh anything you’ve ever done or been through. He doesn’t care about any of that if you choose Him. He just wants your heart and your love. He’ll take care of the rest in His perfect time. In spite of what you may have been told or believe about yourself, you are loved!