“Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus,
Who, existing in the form of God,
did not consider equality with God
as something to be used for His own advantage.
Instead He emptied Himself
by assuming the form of a slave,
taking on the likeness of men.
And when He had come as a man
in His external form,
He humbled Himself by becoming obedient
to the point of death –
even to death on a cross.” Philippians 2:5-8
Jesus started humble and He ended humble.
– He shrunk Himself down into the suit of flesh as a small baby through conception.
– He went through the growing pains as a child, misunderstood by many, including his own parents.
– He had a humble beginning as He conquered Satan in the wilderness.
– His first miracle was a silent performance of turning water into wine.
– He served countless people by feeding, healing, and teaching them.
– He spent three frustrating years discipling twelve young men who just didn’t seem to really get it until the end.
– Then, after a very tough life, He suffered the worst of it all. A completely brutal encounter leading to and fulfilling death and sacrifice for us all.

He could have stopped it all before it even started. He could have entered the world as an already established king. He could have stood on mountaintops declaring who He really was. He could have boasted about all the miracles, signs, wonders, and healings He was performing. He had the right to be prideful and conquer the world in that moment. He should have resisted the beatings and torture. He should have gotten down from the cross and called on the angels to minister to Him. He had the right and power to do so. He is Almighty God.
But He didn’t. He didn’t usurp His authority at all for His own advantage. He patiently and humbly took the lowest position to serve people and show His ultimate love for us. The world at the time didn’t see Him as a king. They saw Him as a slave; All for a purpose. So that thousands of generations after could seek Him and find Him as the “King of kings” (Revelation 19:16).
“For this reason God highly exalted Him
and gave Him the name
that is above every name,
so that at the name of Jesus,
every knee will bow –
of those who are in heaven
and on earth
and under the earth –
and every tongue should confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:8-11
Jesus was a living testimony for us. He was the example for us to follow. He showed us how to resist temptation and how to hear the Father’s voice so we know what to do. He taught us how to serve and love others. He gave us the blueprints on discipleship. Then, at the end, He gave us the greatest gift of all: our salvation and the Holy Spirit. This proves that He has never nor will ever leave us. God Himself is our gift to show that we are anchored and secured in the family of God, if we choose to believe what Jesus did and have a relationship with Him.
Then, by His resurrection, He has proven to those who believe in Him, that it doesn’t end with death. We will rise again as well, just as He did. We will have eternal life with God Himself in pure peace, unity, and freedom. This is the greatest gift we can ever receive. Death isn’t the end. It’s only the beginning. It’s a gracious way to release us from the eternal weight and consequences of sin. Giving a chance for our bodies to die with the sinful bent in them, and coming alive with the free and pure souls we were made to be.
As you prepare your heart for Easter, take some time to sit in the thought of the gift you’ve been given. The sin you committed, the sacrifice Jesus made for you in His great love, and the freedom you now have because of it. Then, when Sunday comes, think about what lies ahead for you. Fix your eyes on the resurrected Jesus, knowing that you too will be resurrected someday as well. What joy we can carry in our hearts knowing the truth that awaits us.

“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of His spirit, washed in His blood”
(Blessed Assurance by Fanny Jane Crosby)
Happy Easter everyone! I’m so excited for Thursday’s post. It’s a treasure to me and something that had a great influence in my life. A testimony of how one’s faith can change another’s life. Stay tuned!