Planted Warriors

This is our hub for our Bible studies and related materials. We’re passionate about equipping women in their growth with the Lord, and training them to be effective, confident disciplers for Jesus.

What does Planted Warriors mean?

  1. Someone who is digging her roots down deep into her relationship with Jesus by abiding in Him and His word.
  2. This will give her strength, allowing her to stand firm with planted feet on solid ground making it difficult to be shaken by the enemy.
  3. She will take the training she’s received and invest in others to become strong warriors for Christ too.

Our first initiatives for this branch of our ministry will start with our Warrior in Training Bible Study coming out September 1, as well as our Warrior Weekend, on November 17-19, 2023. To register for our weekend Intensive, and/or to stay up-to-date on the developments of our Bible study, click the link here:

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